02. Dec 2021

In week 47, a total of 5,276 people sought medical attention with symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection. Of that figure, children formed almost 40%.
The infection rate remains stable, and the intensity of the infection is low. The highest numbers of patients to have sought medical attention were registered in Pärnu County, Rapla County, Tartu County, and Viljandi County. One influenza virus case was confirmed last week (AH3). Five influenza virus A cases have been confirmed since the beginning of the season following laboratory tests. More specifically, four influenza virus A cases had been identified so far, which were all of the same influenza A subtype (H3N2). Since the beginning of the season only one individual has been hospitalised in connection with influenza virus.
The main causes for falling ill currently include RS virus (54%), rhinovirus (17%), and metapneumovirus (11%). RS virus mainly affects children under the age of two and the elderly. The symptoms may range from an upper respiratory tract inflammation to pneumonia. The virus causes a cough which may come with asthmatic symptoms, even resulting in the risk of suffocation in some children.
In general, the course of influenza is more severe than the course of a normal cold. Normal colds are not - or are rarely - accompanied by serious issues, such as pneumonia, bacterial inflammation, or hospitalisation. The influenza virus can be prevented through vaccination. With influenza viruses not yet having entered circulation, now is the right time to get vaccinated.
The Health Board’s advice for those individuals who have been infected with the virus is as follows:
- stay at home, contact your family physician and take time to recover, as you may remain infectious for up to seven days. Going to work, school, or kindergarten when you are ill will also exhaust your body
- cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
- avoid touching your eyes
- wash your hands frequently.
The Health Board’s advice for avoiding infections is as follows:
- avoid crowded places and gatherings
- wash your hands frequently
- cover your nose and mouth with a mask to mitigate the risk that you may have to come into close contact with an infected individual.
Influenza cases in Europe
According to the European Influenza Surveillance Network, activity levels of the influenza virus within the European Union remain low for now. No countries have so far observed any steady spread of the influenza virus, but single influenza-related cases have been registered almost everywhere. Both influenza virus A and B cases have been reported and influenza-related hospitalisations have also been registered.